3 Options To Prevent Tree Roots From Damaging Your Sewage System

When you think about things that can cause damage to your sewage system, you might think about things like flushing the wrong things down your toilet. Even though these things can cause problems as well, they aren't the only things that can cause your system to be damaged. For example, tree roots that grow and spread can cause problems with your sewage lines. These are a few options that can help you prevent this problem:

Be Careful When Planting Trees

First of all, when you plant trees on your property, it is important to be careful about where you put them. Finding out where your sewer lines and septic tank, if applicable, are located can help with this. Even though your trees might start out small, you don't want their growing root systems to cause problems later on. Making sure that you place them far away from any sewer lines or your septic tank can help prevent a lot of problems in the future.

Have Trees Removed

If you already have trees on your property that you fear might eventually cause damage to your sewage system, you may want to consider hiring a tree removal service to have them removed. Not only can someone from a tree removal service help with actually removing the tree, but he or she can also help with removing the roots. Then, you will not have to worry about them causing problems with your septic system. A tree removal service can help with removing trees that can cause damage in other ways as well, such as those that are too close to your home and might cause foundation damage.

Install a Barrier

Did you know that a sewer cleaning and repair company can actually install a barrier to help prevent tree roots from damaging your sewage lines? Installing one of these barriers can be a good idea if you think that your tree roots might eventually cause damage to your system but if they have not done so yet. Once the barrier is installed, it will basically encourage the tree roots to move in a different direction, away from your sewer lines. This means that the tree will still be able to grow and thrive, but you won't have to worry about it damaging your system.

As you can see, you have a few different options that can help you prevent sewage system damage that is related to tree roots. If you talk to someone who provides sewer cleaning and repair services, you can get more info on how to prevent this common, costly problem.
